n Tuckahoe Notebook: Wood Church

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Wood Church


In the church of the woods,
the sky,
cloaked in vestements
of clouds and stars, sunsets and moonrises,
calls the congregation to worship.

The wind sings out a hymn
and the robins and the wrens, the finches and the hens,
float melody
the frogs and the crickets holding down the time.

The soil carries the cross
of ash,
of beech,
of birch, of cedar, of oak
and rests beside the altar on the bank of the brook
where the sacraments of the seasons are blessed by the scent
of holly blossom and honey suckle,
of fallen leaf and pine needle.

Offerings made on this altar flow through the river out to the sea,
resurrected to fall again and again and again.

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